
CR❍WD ♦ Saturday April 2 ♦ 7PM

Mary Austin Speaker is the author of two chapbooks—In the End There Were Thousands of Cowboys, and Abandoning the Firmament, (Menagerie Editions 2009 & 2010). She is co-curator and founder of Triptych Readings (www.triptychreadings.com) in NYC, poet laureate of F.E.A.S.T. (http://feastinbklyn.org/), and works as an art director, designing books for Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Her work can be found in recent or upcoming issues of Iowa Review, Boston Review, H_NGM_N, New Orleans Review, Gray Tape, Mrs. Maybe and elsewhere. In previous iterations, she was poetry editor of Indiana Review, co-curator of Readings Between A&B, and taught creative writing at Indiana University. She loves westerns, astronaut paraphernalia and the Manhattan Bridge.

Jess Mynes is the author of several published works, including, How's the Cows (Cannot Exist Press) and Sky Brightly Picked (Skysill Press:). His One Anthem will be published by Pressed Wafer Press in 2011. He is the editor of Fewer & Further Press and he co-curates a reading series in Western, MA, All Small Caps.

Stephen Motika is the editor of Tiresias: The Collected Poems of Leland Hickman (2009) and the author of the poetry chapbooks Arrival and At Mono (2007) and In the Madrones (2011). His first book, Western Practice, is forthcoming from Alice James Books. Recent work has appeared in The Brooklyn Review, Eleven Eleven, The Boog City Reader 4, and The Poetry Project Newsletter. The Field, his collaboration with visual artist Dianna Frid, was on view at Gallery 400 at the University of Illinois, Chicago, in 2003. Motika is the program director at Poets House and publisher of Nightboat Books.

Arlo Quint is the author of Drawn In (Fewer & Further), Photogenic Memory (Lame House) and Days on End (Open 24 Hours). He's Program Coordinator for The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church and co-edits Brawling Pigeon.